
Beyond Medicine / BY: Heather S. Loblaw, CPA, CA March 2022
... months prior to the disposition. In the case of a medical practice, a physician must find someone willing to purchase their professional corporation and practice from them, which is not that common as new family physicians can build their own practice quite easily. It is also typical for a physician to ...
Letters / BY: Joanne Sinai, MD, MEd, FRCPC October 2022
... regarding informed consent for gender dysphoria. Clinical practice and informed consent must acknowledge less invasive, ...
Letters / BY: Robert Semeniuk, MD, FRCSC July/August 2022
... so be it. I acquired my licence to perform family practice during my training and worked walk-in clinic shifts ... want. Instead, we need to support the areas of family practice that require help, including remuneration. —Robert ...
Letters / BY: Suzanne Montemuro, MD, CCFP April 2022
... as fast as they can. Other family physicians are leaving practice to become surgical assistants or to practise virtual ...
Letters / BY: Anthony Walter, MD October 2022
... recently (for a price higher than the $31 average family practice fee) I was thinking about Dr David Chapman’s ... overheads have become huge. To function properly, a family practice needs a secretary, nurse, and office manager. Their ... service item, with a charge of well over $100/hour. Family practice is an expensive business, but paying for those costs ...
Beyond Medicine / BY: Hamish Hwang, MD, FRCSC, FACS July/August 2022
... costs, accommodation, and weekday time away from clinical practice. Examples of mentorships include one surgeon ...
Letters / BY: Joanne Sinai, MD, MEd, FRCPC April 2022
... approach. In addition, a systematic review of its clinical practice guidelines states that SOC7 “contains no list of ... could not be used by individuals or services to benchmark practice.”[ 2 ] Finland, Sweden, Norway, and the UK are ...
Beyond Medicine / BY: Delilah Topic, MD, FRCPC November 2022
... that it is a concept rarely addressed in clinical practice. Throughout my years as a patient, I have often felt ...
Letters / BY: Ruth Habte, MD September 2022
... care system, and to end the inequities we encounter in practice. Universal access to contraception is a vital ...
Letters / BY: Jefferson Terry, MD PhD, FRCPC April 2022
... published in the journal [ BCMJ 2021;63:383-387 ]. The practice at BC Children’s and BC Women’s Hospitals is to ...