
Letters / BY: Brady Bouchard, CCFP May 2017
... also states that the process “is not [meant] to restrict practice.” If not, then what is the goal? A quick look ... various privileging documents will show that restricting practice is exactly what is intended—if you don’t have ...
Letters / BY: Rajesh Nair, MD December 2017
... valid instruments that can be routinely used in clinical practice. —Rajesh Nair, MD Clinical Research Fellow, ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Graham A.A. Dodd, MSc, MD, CCFP(EM), MADEM April 2016
... 3,5 ] Recently the Victoria Division of Family Practice began several projects to help family physicians ... respond to a variety of disasters at the individual practice level and system wide. In collaboration with the Ministry of Health Emergency Management Unit, a Practice Continuity Guide and interactive workbook were ...
Letters / BY: Vandad Yousefi, MD, CCFP, FHM, May 2016
... the complex reasons behind the overwhelming changes in practice patterns of modern-day family physicians. For ... family physicians by ensuring proper remuneration and practice support. Some of the ideas raised by Dr Nicolson may ... levels of complexity. The decline of comprehensive family practice is not only due to a fee guide that promotes ...
Letters / BY: Justine Spencer, MD October 2016
... after every patient interaction. I’m grateful for this practice, which keeps me and my patients safe from contagious ... with possibly few reserves left to manage them. In a busy practice there is simply no time to fully address our ... take them home with you. —Justine Spencer, MD UBC Family Practice PGY-2 Letters I wash my hands of this: A plea for ...
Editorials / BY: David R. Richardson, MD March 2016
... tail end of what I am sure is a pearl that will change my practice for the better and save a substantial number of ...
Letters / BY: Gerrard A. Vaughan, MD September 2016
... has a statutory obligation to set standards for medical practice, and most elements contained in the standard on safe ... must not abrogate its legal obligation to regulate medical practice, including prescribing. Regulation is foundational, ...
Letters / BY: Michael M. O’Brien December 2016
... as a GP, which many did, most of whom would go into practice with a group or clinic and have hospital privileges ... that 52% of graduates are now choosing general/family practice, clearly not something to be proud of. The other ...
Premise / BY: A.W. Battison, MD June 2016
... often work in rural and remote areas. Their scope of practice is broad and includes emergency medicine. In cases ... Council of South Africa (HPCSA) regulates medical practice. The organization requires university sponsorship ...
Editorials / BY: Willem R. Vroom, MD April 2016
... because it is so contrary to the core of our professional practice, which is to preserve both the quality of life and ...