
Letters / BY: Suzanne Montemuro, MD, CCFP April 2019
... by Dr Greg Siren,[ 1 ] a family physician with a focused practice in chronic pain in Victoria, BC. At the time I write ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Michael R. Lyon, MD, ABOM December 2019
... triumphs of democracy, science, and common sense. In my practice, Canada’s Food Guide and its many associated ...
Letters / BY: Paul Winston, MD, FRCPC September 2019
... Letters Reducing disability paperwork and family practice visits ...
Editorials / BY: David R. Richardson, MD June 2019
... in my community don’t look forward to this part of their practice. Listening to patients’ complaints and recording ...
President's Comment / BY: Eric Cadesky, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP January/February 2019
... their patients; fewer doctors choosing community-based practice, especially those with longitudinal relationships; ... We have seen new graduates reject traditional styles of practice while longing for a system that supports them to ... where we practise, what we practise, or our stage of practice, we all work together to care for our patients, our ...
Back Page / BY: Jim Petzold, MD September 2019
... the past 40 years mostly in full-service rural family practice in a small coastal community of British Columbia. ...
Premise / BY: Kelly Anne Cox, MD, MPH May 2019
... It is time for the province to follow evidence-based practice by removing barriers to LARC and funding it for ...
Editorials / BY: David J. Esler, MD, CCFP(EM) July/August 2019
... on the enormous changes I have witnessed in the practice of medicine since being licensed in 1986. I was born ... to do a rotating internship and then enter general practice, or use the year to do GP locums and then return, ... regretted my career choice. I had no idea on entering practice in 1986 that seismic shifts in the delivery of ...
Editorials / BY: David R. Richardson, MD April 2019
... met my wife here, twice.* I managed to build a busy family practice while working at Langley Hospital, where I have ... physicians whom I am proud to call my friends. Joining a practice is like a marriage in many ways, so to those physicians considering joining a practice, I encourage you to choose wisely. I know I did. ...
President's Comment / BY: Kathleen Ross, MD June 2019
... Yesterday was a typical office day in my community family practice. Periodic health/preventive exams, and geriatric and ... night with the solution. Sir William Osler said, “The practice of medicine will be very much as you make it—to ...