
Letters / BY: J.E. Albrecht, MD April 2017
After 43 years in the trenches of general practice, I applaud the fortitude and wisdom of the Pemberton ... requests for chart copies and reports (the bane of practice!), stringent opiate-prescribing guidelines, and ...
Letters / BY: Michael M. O’Brien December 2016
... as a GP, which many did, most of whom would go into practice with a group or clinic and have hospital privileges ... that 52% of graduates are now choosing general/family practice, clearly not something to be proud of. The other ...
Letters / BY: Justine Spencer, MD October 2016
... after every patient interaction. I’m grateful for this practice, which keeps me and my patients safe from contagious ... with possibly few reserves left to manage them. In a busy practice there is simply no time to fully address our ... take them home with you. —Justine Spencer, MD UBC Family Practice PGY-2 Letters I wash my hands of this: A plea for ...
Letters / BY: Charles Webb, MBChB March 2016
... importance to them.  Between the Divisions of Family Practice and the facility-engagement initiative, we’ve ...
Letters / BY: Steve Wiseman, MD September 2016
... equivalent per day is one such example. In clinical practice, patients’ requirements, physiologies, conditions, ...
Letters / BY: Gerrard A. Vaughan, MD December 2016
... scenarios to help physicians in this difficult type of practice. Additionally, the College engages medical ... contributor to the curriculum development process for the Practice Support Program (PSP) Pain Management Module. The ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Romayne Gallagher, MD, CCFP(PC), FCFP July/August 2016
... will provide practical actions that a physician (and their practice) can take to identify caregivers, monitor caregiver ...
Letters / BY: Bruce Nicolson, MD March 2016
... I was making in support of full-service comprehensive practice. I was later approached by one of the more youthful ... For those of us in the UBC Class of 1974 who chose general practice as a career path, Marcus Welby was the role model we ... a business model that promoted high-volume low-intensity practice. It’s a small wonder that walk-in clinics began to ...
Beyond Medicine, Interviews / BY: Joanne Jablkowski September 2016
... as a family doctor or specialist might encounter in their practice, but thinking beyond that and being curious about ... your patients’ expectations changed as well? The family practice I inherited almost 20 years ago was from a doctor ... early- to mid-60s. Jumping forward 20 years, my latest practice profile tells me that my average patient is now 76 ...
Letters / BY: Roger Purnell, MBChB, FRCSC May 2016
... be merit to PROMs data collection as a means of individual practice reflection, their usefulness cannot be extrapolated to treatment or practice comparisons without rigorous patient population ...