
Beyond Medicine, Interviews / BY: David R. Richardson, MD July/August 2019
... time—I was the first chair of our division of family practice, then I got involved with Shared Care and helped get ... councils and so on. And then the divisions of family practice started up locally just around about the time the ... finish. It was so different for us. You could go do family practice and then go back and specialize later. That ...
Back Page / BY: Jim Petzold, MD September 2019
... the past 40 years mostly in full-service rural family practice in a small coastal community of British Columbia. ...
Beyond Medicine / BY: Judy Dercksen, MD January/February 2019
... attend mental health and addiction counseling. The General Practice Services Committee’s Practice Support Program and website have also improved ... workshops, and telephone coaching. The Divisions of Family Practice website includes a number of resources and ...
Beyond Medicine / BY: Paul Dhillon, MBBChBAO, LRCP&SI, EMDM, CCFP, DRCOG, DTM&H(Lon), FRGS March 2019
... Medicine. There is a disparity between the pass rates of practice-eligible candidates and residency-trained ... to preparation for the CCFP exam. Current residents and practice-eligible candidates were surveyed nationally to ...
Premise / BY: James M. Wright, MD, PhD, FRCPC April 2019
... Therapeutics in cooperation with the Department of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia. We are an ... The 2011 report of the US National Academies, “Clinical Practice Guidelines We Can Trust,”[ 10 ] explores in depth ... type of complex multimorbidity seen by doctors in everyday practice.[ 11 ] We think that our careful and unconflicted ...
Premise / BY: Kelly Anne Cox, MD, MPH May 2019
... It is time for the province to follow evidence-based practice by removing barriers to LARC and funding it for ...
Premise / BY: Andre C. Piver, MD, FCFP June 2019
... originally provided to my local division of family practice, is included below. It reflects the evolution of our ... Further considerations When I started family practice in 1982, I recall that a GP visit paid approximately ...
Billing Tips / BY: Lorne Verhulst, MD April 2018
In 2014 the Patterns of Practice Committee published the following information about ... like to avoid.  —Lorne Verhulst, MD Chair, Patterns of Practice Committee Billing Tips Audit red flag: Treating a ...
Beyond Medicine / BY: David Unger, MD December 2018
... “Safe prescribing of opioids and sedatives” practice standard,[ 1 ] published this year, strives to ... were removed and it is now a standard only. (Best practice musts and must nots .) Language was strengthened to ...
Beyond Medicine, Interviews July/August 2018
... and skills that I wanted to keep as part of my future practice. I loved Montreal and learned French while I was ... in the last year: through our participation in the General Practice Services Committee, Doctors of BC is influential in ... views of all members, no matter their location, type of practice, stage of practice, or demographics. We are diverse ...