
Clinical Articles / BY: Sean Duke, MSc, MD April 2022
... between their recommendations and their implementation in practice, indicating the need for revised medical education ... Although anaphylaxis management recommendations depend on practice resources and proximity to emergency services, key ... measures and treatments used to manage anaphylaxis in practice.[ 8 ] Despite guidelines emphasizing the maintenance ...
Editorials, COVID-19 / BY: David R. Richardson, MD July/August 2021
... just a few minutes earlier. Why are we so tired? In family practice we spend a fair bit of time and effort with minimal ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Jennifer Laidlaw, MD, FRCPC April 2021
... While not required under the HCCCFAA, it is common practice to document this on a health authority consent form, ... and thus obtained infrequently.[ 6 ] However, in clinical practice, collaboration with the adult and other associated ... with emergency health care;” however, in our clinical practice, the HCCCFAA is still used for this purpose. What is ...
MDs To Be / BY: Tristan Jeffery, BSc October 2021
... positionality Author positionality statements are common practice for researchers working with Indigenous ...
MDs To Be / BY: Maya de Vos, BSc January/February 2021
... by evaluating the environmental impact of their clinical practice. Volatile anesthetics are classified as halogenated ... of low-flow anesthetic machines in 2015 and changes to practice patterns to preferentially use sevoflurane over ... of data to inform the environmental impact of clinical practice and the success of sustainability measures is ...
MDs To Be / BY: Arielle Roberts, MD July/August 2021
... other barriers and integrating the ExRx into their practice.[ 16 ] Education is a logical solution to increase ... to be included in Canadian medical curricula. Several best practice suggestions have been made for what an ExRx ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Sanya Ranchal, BSc April 2021
... day-3 embryo transfer, are less common in modern clinical practice. As a result, the incidence of ectopic pregnancy ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Philippa Hawley, FRCPC November 2021
... classification system for analgesics; it is not a clinical practice guideline. Step 2 analgesics have a very small role ... theoretically trigger a partial withdrawal reaction. In practice, this does not seem to be a problem.[ 13 ] ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Sean Duke, MSc, MD March 2021
... over the past decade has influenced a shift in routine practice, which supports the use of direct—that is, without ... reactions to beta-lactams.[ 20 , 24 ] A new CPS Practice Point recommends an approach to the evaluation of ... In adhering to the recommendations outlined in the CPS Practice Point,[ 20 ] primary care providers can safely and ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Daniel Esau, BAppSc, MHSc, MD January/February 2021
... testing of immune function is currently left to personal practice and individual patient risk. The role of active VZV ...