jjablkowski's blog

Since Sir William Osler’s call for “bedside medicine,” emphasizing compassion for patients, we have been urged to achieve the practice through “evidence-based medicine,” “evolutionary medicine,” and more recently “narrative medicine.” Now an article in the European Journal of Internal Medicine proposes “dediagnosing,” a practice framework for making people feel less ill. 

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I am a placebo guy.
Just fill in the blanks
Of my not knowing,
Ease my anxiety with kindness,
And the complaints and pain,
The doubts and frustrations,
Just seem to ease.
Share a moment.
Really. That’s all.
Listen and tell me it’s okay.
Give me a glimpse
Of who you are.
As I disclose myself to you.
With all your training and education
And experience,
Just your kindness and concern,
In a moment or two,
And you become a healer.
Perhaps, for me, a reassuring parent,

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Your 2020 mini profile is now available, exclusively on the Doctors of BC website, (login required). The profile provides you with informative statistics based on the MSP payments made to you for services provided in the 2020 calendar year, including any settlements or retroactive payments issued as of 31 March 2021. 

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I am a cold cut in the middle of a medical sandwich. A sandwich generation that still remembers training with 36-hour-long call shifts, preceptors who thought verbal abuse was an appropriate rite of passage, and where asking for help was considered a weakness. Physicians in the upcoming generation are different. They stop for lunch to refuel because it’s essential, not optional. They recognize that taking a weekend off to go camping instead of doing extra weekend call with their preceptor is appropriate work-life balance, not a sign of laziness.

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