The BCMJ connects with physicians and patients on and through our social media channels. We have the following vision for how we see our online capability: will enrich physicians’ work life by providing existing and exclusive content online and by driving the use of social media as an open forum for all.
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2010/2011 BCMA elected officers
Dr Ian Gillespie, President
Dr Brian Brodie, Past President
Dr Nasir Jetha, President Elect
Dr Shelley Ross, Chair, General Assembly
Dr William Cunningham, Honorary Secretary Treasurer

Please see below for more photos of the 2010 AGM.
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One doctor’s experience illustrates how involvement in the BCMA led him in directions he never would have even thought of, let alone considered.
Experience with the long-defunct Victoria Section of General Practice led to my being elected to the BCMA Board of Directors many years ago. I was certainly a novice, being shy, and politically naive. I couldn’t speak in public and would break into a sweat if asked to stand in a crowd and give my phone number.
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They took a leap of faith in the 1970s. Now, starting the 2010s with a new EMR, the Caledonian Clinic physicians share their experience.
Caledonian Clinic is a busy medical practice in Nanaimo with a radiology facility, a surgical room, and 65 full-time and part-time general practitioners, specialists, and staff. It is one of two or three of the largest private practice clinics in BC.
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“If your hospital is at sea level on the equator, expect to operate at 30°C in 95% humidity, your clothes wet, and everything which can go rusty or moldy doing so. Only insects enjoy such conditions, and you will find plenty of them.”

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