Research affiliated with several organizations, including the BC Cancer Agency and Simon Fraser University, is featured in the journal Nature as part of a special issue highlighting 20 papers that are the outcome of a 7-year project mapping the epigenome. The project, called the National Institutes of Health Roadmap Epigenomics Program, provides a core set of data, methodology, and infrastructure for studying the role of the epigenome in human health and disease.
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While doctors become medical professionals by training, they become business professionals through necessity. Outside of clinical duties, doctors create and maintain business relationships with salespeople, accountants, lawyers, administrators, and countless others. Unlike medical decisions, which follow a model of cause and effect, most business decisions are a product of negotiation.
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Dr Pollock (2nd from left) provides instruction during a surgical training mission to Rwanda. This year he will take part in a similar mission to Haiti.
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Annual Business Meeting and General Assembly
Saturday, 31 May 2014 • Pan Pacific Hotel, Vancouver
This year’s Annual Business Meeting and General Assembly was once again held at the Pan Pacific Hotel in downtown Vancouver. Dr Granger Avery was nominated and acclaimed as chair, and began the meeting with a brief introduction of the standing rules and election of the Resolutions Committee. Dr Avery’s reminder to everyone of the importance of maintaining respectful debate set the tone for the remainder of the proceedings.
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The following physicians have died over the past year; please consider submitting a piece for our “In Memoriam” section in the BCMJ if you knew the deceased well.
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