
News June 2005
... on your nursing staff were equally well trained? This may seem like an impossible notion, but not when you hardwire ... Stan Solomon and Peter Taylor. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2004. ISBN 1-55263-605-4. Hardcover, 112 pages. $49.95. ... Psoriasis Education Program (PEP) has released the first issue of PEP Talk, a publication for people affected by ...
Letters / BY: Ken Bassett, MD, PhD December 2005
... in Letter #48: 1. We did not write that “statins may do more harm than good in patients without a myocardial ... in the SAE rate quoted in the publication.” However, in 2004 the statistician for PROSPER stated the opposite ... considered in depth in the academic literature. [3] One issue worth highlighting relates to mortality from statin ...
Letters / BY: Peter Rees, PhD, FRCPC December 2004
The authors of the BCMJ theme issue “The new era of treatable Alzheimer disease” ( September 2004;[7]:332-347 ) strongly condone the efficacy of ... will have learned of AD 2000 in the lay press during May. Because of the publication time line of the  BCMJ  ...
Letters / BY: Lloyd Oppel, MD, MHSc, FCFP(Em) May 2004
... the trial as presented in January/February’s issue of the  BCMJ  ( 2004;46[1]:21-23 ) does not appear to be a valid test of the ... therapies, and giving front-page status to such articles may give credit where it is not due. —Lloyd Oppel, MD ...
BC Centre for Disease Control / BY: M. Fyfe, MD, MSc June 2004
... Columbia. The risk that the virus will move into BC during 2004 remains high. There is also a risk that BC residents ... illnesses were West Nile fever, a dengue-like illness that may present with fever, headache, fatigue, myalgia, ... to the related paper by Dr Bigham on page 220 of this issue of the BCMJ. Reportability in BC Physicians must report ...
Letters / BY: Paul R. Latimer, MD July/August 2004
In the May issue of the BCMJ ( 2004;46[4]:164 ) you have defended your decision to publish ... research on disorders without defined pathology. You may still argue that your decision to publish an article has ...
Letters / BY: Roger S. Tonkin, MDCM, FRCPC, OBC June 2004
... is to be commended for its excellent two-part theme issue on child maltreatment, and Dr Marie Hay’s article, ... sexual exploitation of children and youth”  (BCMJ 2004;46(3):119-122)  is particularly timely and should help ... for parent support, and for males). Any BC organization may apply for funding and readers are referred to the ...
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