
Billing Tips / BY: Keith J. White, MD December 2016
It is common practice for physicians to get to know a new patient and ... to determine whether to accept a new patient into the practice should not be billed. The College of Physicians and ... medical visit.” —Keith J. White, MD Chair, Patterns of Practice Committee Billing Tips Billing for new patients ...
Billing Tips / BY: Keith J. White, MD June 2016
... necessary. —Keith J. White, MD Chair, Patterns of Practice Committee Billing Tips The Laboratory Services Act: ...
Billing Tips / BY: Keith J. White, MD May 2016
... province. While the enrolment, auditing, and patterns of practice of referring practitioners remain under the MPA, the ... may be sought. —Keith J. White, MD Chair, Patterns of Practice Committee Billing Tips New Laboratory Services Act: ...
Billing Tips / BY: Keith J. White, MD September 2016
... encounter must be made. *The Preamble to the General Practice section of the Doctors of BC Guide to Fees states ... more information. —Keith J. White, MD Chair, Patterns of Practice Committee Billing Tips Long-term care facility ...
Billing Tips / BY: Keith J. White, MD January/February 2016
... (BIP) will match a medical inspector with the type of practice undergoing the audit. Having a peer physician ... College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC. •    Have a practice that falls within the accepted standards of the profession or generally designated by the Patterns of Practice Committee (POPC). •    Be supportive of the ...
Beyond Medicine, Interviews / BY: Joanne Jablkowski September 2016
... as a family doctor or specialist might encounter in their practice, but thinking beyond that and being curious about ... your patients’ expectations changed as well? The family practice I inherited almost 20 years ago was from a doctor ... early- to mid-60s. Jumping forward 20 years, my latest practice profile tells me that my average patient is now 76 ...
Specialist Services Committee / BY: Kelly Mayson, MD, FRCPC December 2016
... Instead, it adopted the position that a “community of practice” consisting of subject matter experts—front-line ... to attempt to overcome these perceived hurdles and guide practice in the face of doubt and confusion. The ... have been reviewed widely and adopted as informal clinical practice guidelines. The Collaborative’s Anesthesia ...
Billing Tips / BY: Keith J. White, MD November 2016
It has come to the attention of the Patterns of Practice Committee that specialists may be billing fee items ... General Preamble. —Keith J. White, MD Chair, Patterns of Practice Committee Billing Tips Telephone fees: SSC fee items ...
Billing Tips / BY: Keith J. White, MD March 2016
Over the past 2 years the Patterns of Practice Committee (POPC) stepped up its educational efforts ... in an audit. In the year ahead the POPC will enhance the practice mini-profiles, continue submitting articles to the  ... you to take the opportunity to adjust your billing practice.  Finally, be sure to review your practice ...
Billing Tips / BY: Keith J. White, MD October 2016
... of all fees. —Keith J. White, MD Chair, Patterns of Practice Committee * Allied health care workers are defined ...