
Billing Tips / BY: Lorne Verhulst, MD January/February 2018
In March 2017, the Patterns of Practice Committee (POPC) embarked on a new journey by ... to thank all Doctors of BC staff, the Patterns of Practice Committee members, and the Billing Integrity Program ... physician groups. —Lorne Verhulst, MD Chair, Patterns of Practice Committee Some comments from the CME sessions held ...
News / BY: Shaila Jiwa, RN, BScN, MScPPH June 2018
... to eliminate TB.  —Shaila Jiwa, BScN, RN, MScPPH Senior Practice Leader, Clinical Prevention Services BC Centre for ...
News October 2018
... a history of working in community and hospital medical practice, and an active staff member at the Peterborough ...
News / BY: Channelle Sawyer January/February 2018
... for your children, and afford to take time out of your practice to care for your spouse and take him or her to ...
Billing Tips / BY: Lorne Verhulst, MD April 2018
In 2014 the Patterns of Practice Committee published the following information about ... like to avoid.  —Lorne Verhulst, MD Chair, Patterns of Practice Committee Billing Tips Audit red flag: Treating a ...
News / BY: Heather Hannah, CAPP, CBCP, CIA, CRMA, CPA, CGA January/February 2018
... Privacy Toolkit: A guide for physicians in private practice , originally published in 2004 and subsequently ... Privacy Toolkit: A guide for physicians in private practice  (concise and current). Privacy management programs can always be improved, so whether a practice is well established or just starting, the Privacy ...
News July/August 2018
... who talked about his plans for the coming year: “Practice is changing and the old lines that we have drawn to ...
News January/February 2018
... role, Dr Clelland will guide the expansion of the Family Practice Oncology Network to better support primary care ...
News July/August 2018
... medical practitioners and spine surgeons, senior advanced practice physiotherapists with spine-specific advanced ...
News May 2017
... and substance use patients, into a family physician’s practice. For more information, please refer to the GPSC’s ...