
Clinical Articles / BY: Simon W. Rabkin, MD, FRCPC, FACC October 2012
... dealing with cultural issues. Recent innovations in family practice and the compensation provided for physicians ... translation of cardiovascular risk research into community practice needs to occur. There is also a need to facilitate ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Philippa Hawley, FRCPC July/August 2012
... 2010, Division of Palliative Care, Department of Family Practice, Faculty of Medicine, UBC), was collected in summer ... information, see page 301, “Using methadone for pain: Practice points.” Risks Despite methadone’s many ... other products, Abstral. Using methadone for pain: Practice points •    To apply for an exemption from the ...
BC Centre for Disease Control / BY: Bonnie Henry, MD, MPH, FRCPC April 2012
... = 55) had only ever treated one case during their years of practice (average years of practice was 17).  Physicians who had treated at least one ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Janusz Kaczorowski, PhD, October 2012
... anxiety, the BP readings obtained in routine clinical practice are often imprecise and inconsistent.[ 10 - 15 ] As ...
Obituaries / BY: Richard K. Elwood, MB, BCh, MRCP(UK), FRCPC July/August 2012
... the patients’ medical records. He also established the practice of skin lesion specimens being collected by the ... in the management of immunocompromised patients and the practice of infection control.  Peter was a very effective ...
Obituaries / BY: Graham C. Fraser, FRCS, FACS April 2012
... surgery.  He returned to Vancouver and es­tablished a practice in pediatric general and cardiac surgery. In 1957, ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Sol Gregory, MD, November 2012
... in 2010 to review the literature and update re­gional practice standards for major burn resuscitation. The MBT ... of the medical literature to scrutinize international practice patterns and standards for major burn resuscitation. ... MBT group members agreed that a set of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) should be developed to summarize ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Wei-Shuen King, MD, FRCPC, January/February 2012
... category. This could be interpreted as evidence that practice is changing toward more evidence-based use of ... require frequent reinforcement to continue altering practice.[ 12 ] In summary, the introduction of ... However, along with this improvement in prescribing practice, the 2009 audit also shows that many clinicians are ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Jason Forbes, MD, September 2012
... because recurrence is a concern after hernia repair, the practice of recommending extended convalescence has persisted ... of new technologies and techniques has challenged the practice of recommending a prolonged period of convalescence ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Andrew J. Juren, MD, May 2012
... of the senior staff that he turned away from clinical practice and back to his passion for numbers to begin a ...