
President's Comment / BY: Ahmer A. Karimuddin, MD, FRCSC March 2024
... it simply makes us more alone. Yet, in the real world, people cheer when they hear someone has gotten into medical ... his sociology professor, Morrie Schwartz, who had ALS. People would come to commiserate with Schwartz yet would ... Yet I find inspiration at work daily. I find it in the people who come together to look after a patient with ...
President's Comment / BY: Ahmer A. Karimuddin, MD, FRCSC May 2024
... resources. Canada has 2.6 hospital beds for every 1000 people, which is behind almost every Organisation for ... BC has even less—a mere 1.95 hospital beds per 1000 people. Canada also has significantly fewer physicians ... to reaching the OECD average of 4.3 hospital beds per 1000 people by 2035, doubling our current operating room capacity, ...
President's Comment / BY: Ahmer A. Karimuddin, MD, FRCSC June 2024
... of former Lego CEO Jørgen Vig Knudstorp: “Many creative people are finding that creativity doesn’t grow in ...
BC Stories / BY: Lauren Lypchuk, MD, CCFP January/February 2024
... medical student in Scotland, who was taking elderly people for free rides in the community on a specialized ... days/week, May through October, with 45 volunteers taking people out for free rides. We have now taken 1000+ seniors on ... out from the confines of their residences. We meet many people along the way (I counted more than 200 one ...
President's Comment / BY: Joshua Greggain, MD July/August 2023
... I do with that power is most important. Do I hold it over people, or do I use it to help empower others? And when it comes to love, I love a few people a lot . I care about many others. And I care for many ...
President's Comment / BY: Joshua Greggain, MD September 2023
... and implement the health-care rights of Aboriginal people as identified in international law, constitutional ... address the jurisdictional disputes concerning Aboriginal people who do not reside on reserves, we call upon the ...
President's Comment / BY: Joshua Greggain, MD April 2023
... identify them, then we can become unsustainable, both as people and as professionals. When we step away from our ...
President's Comment / BY: Joshua Greggain, MD November 2023
... shape the future. This is your opportunity to ensure the people you want representing you in leadership roles at ... who is doing well, long arms to give hugs to one or more people when they are struggling, and high heels to be seen at ...
MDs To Be / BY: Samantha Gibbon, BSc April 2023
... with a supplement to the care they provide to Indigenous people in British Columbia. As I near the end of my training ... to address the specific health needs of Indigenous people affected by the MMIWG tragedies.[ 1 , 2 ] It is ... queer, trans, Two Spirit, and gender-nonconforming people are affected as well. The health outcomes of ...
MDs To Be / BY: Larissa Steidle, MD November 2023
... though less egregious, situations, where the care of people assigned female at birth is compromised. Experiences ...