
Clinical Articles / BY: H. Davis, MD, November 2007
... the role of this medical specialty in the care of people with alleged traumatic brain injury.[ 5 , 6 ] The ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Patricia Daly MD, FRCPC June 2007
... infectious 1 day before the onset of symptoms. • Most people with influenza are not sick enough to seek medical ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Myles Blank, MD, FRCPC, April 2007
... statistics. The  DSM-IV-TR  indicates that 1% of people in the general population have been diagnosed with a ... avoidance symptoms, e.g., avoiding places, activities, and people that arouse recollections of trauma. D. Two or more ...
Family Practice Services Committee / BY: Liza Kallstrom, November 2007
... apply what they’d learned at the first session, a lot of people put up their hands!” says Mr Evoy. “One strategy, ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Patricia Daly MD, FRCPC June 2007
... there have been numerous reports of small numbers of people infected with swine or avian strains, but none of ... of the swine flu vaccine and immunization of 40 million people. There is no evidence this virus ever spread beyond ... in Hong Kong poultry, 18 human cases were identified and 6 people died, resulting in the culling of 1.5 million birds ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Pratibha Reebye, MBBS, FRCPC, May 2007
... and teachers. The match between what these places and people can provide to meet the needs of the child is known as ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Jason Andrade, MD, FRCPC, December 2007
... and, even more remarkably, the attitudes of millions of people. Dr Paffenbarger’s influence will be felt for years ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Ingrid Söchting, PhD, July/August 2007
... by mental health professionals indicate that Aboriginal people have a much higher rate of mental health problems than ... contend that some cultural practices among Aboriginal people, such as bereavement-induced hallucinations, are ... sexual abuse and assault, is much higher among Aboriginal people than any other racial group, [5,6]  and while a ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Carolyn Steinberg, MD, FRCPC, May 2007
... by the process of being fed. This involves at least two people, surrounded by the family network, which in turn is ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Marlene E. Hunter, MD, FCFPC May 2006
... reactions and similar types of posttraumatic responses in people of all backgrounds. Family disruption due to ... family and friends, as may be the case, for example, with people who are used to living and working in more populated ... will help, of course, but not cure. The real answer is people, knowledgeable people who can help by providing ...