
Clinical Articles / BY: Vikram R. Comondore, MD, December 2008
... should be differentiated from the pressured alertness of people who sleep little. Quantitative sleep loss can be due ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Barry Thorneloe (VFMP), MD September 2008
... way too much time in the same room with a small group of people, and everybody knows your name.  We had been medical ... we managed to pull off the experiment conceived by 5000 people—a medical program in Prince George was now ... imposed on us by rules that work well for keeping 200 people in line, but are perhaps a little rigid for governing ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Jeffrey M. Pike, MD, MPH, FRCSC July/August 2008
... there are 111 family practice physicians per 100000 people in British Columbia,[ 5 ] less than 1% of family ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Lori d’Agincourt-Canning, MSc, MA, PhD, December 2008
... it provided access to genetic consultations for some people whose economic or personal situation would have ...
Clinical Articles / BY: David Snadden, MBChB, MCISc, MD, FRCGP, FRCP (Edin) September 2008
... and specialists translate into significant problems for people living in those communities.[ 1 ]  The Northern ... first integrated clerkships in towns of fewer than 10000 people started in the fall of 2007. Expanding the medical ... underserved areas.  Until then, there are thousands of people across the province—from small community groups ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Farsheed Hedayati-Vala, MD, July/August 2008
... central Bri­tish Columbia serves a population of 12 000 people. From September 2002 to December 2004 (2.5 years), 677 ...
ICBC / BY: Anita Gill, May 2008
... kill at least one person and result in more than 215 people being injured. Some of these injuries are life ...
ICBC / BY: Stephen Comberbach, October 2008
On average, 500 people a year suffer severe or catastrophic injuries as a ...
Interviews / BY: Jay Draper September 2007
... gray hair. That’s typical of medicine anywhere—young people have got a different idea of lifestyle. They don’t ... a democracy, and the majority rules. We’re not squashing people who vote for or against a particular thing—but once ... say fee issues, or a big fight with government, people come. If they don’t come, I read it as a vote of ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Danuta M. Skowronski, MD, FRCPC June 2007
... back   Pandemics, from the Greek pan (all) and demos (people), are caused by the emergence of novel pathogens ... estimates, the influenza pandemic of 1918–19 killed more people worldwide (50 to 100 million) in a matter of months ... as having “felt it most” while “children and old people escaped entirely or were affected in a slighter ...