
Clinical Articles / BY: Alison Granger-Brown, MA, December 2012
... Change; The Sweatlodge and the Sioux; The Potlatch and My People. The learners discussed person­al journeys toward ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Gibong Lee, BSc(Pharm), MD, July/August 2012
... is common in North America, with an estimated 2 million people identified as current (past month) users.[ 1 ] ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Ruth Elwood Martin, MD, FCFP, MPH December 2012
... are Aboriginal.[ 7 ] Incar­cerated adult Aboriginal people are generally younger, have less formal education, and ... to be unemployed than are incarcerated non-Aboriginal people.[ 8 ] The guiding principles of the 2003 World Health ... and positive HIV status.[ 54 ] In BC, an estimated 30% of people with substance abuse, mental illness, or both (SAMI) ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Philippa Hawley, FRCPC July/August 2012
... the biggest barrier to good pain management for the many people living and dying with chronic pain.  Palliative care ...
Beyond Medicine / BY: Sterling Haynes, MD December 2012
... 18th century, the society promoted the rescue of drowning people, and paid 4 guineas (about $160 today) to anyone who ... or smoldered as “bum cigars.” American First Nations people used tobacco as a medicine and pioneered the use of ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Nadia A. Khan, MSc, MD October 2012
... (HOT) trial, which involved randomly assigning 18790 people to a DBP of 90 mm Hg or less, 85 mm Hg or less, and 80 ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Bonnie Wiese, MD, MA, FRCPC September 2011
... depressive symptoms.  There is also often a tendency for people to see their symptoms as part of the normal aging ...
Clinical Articles May 2011
... disease is relatively common, affecting up to 1 in 5000 people. Mitochondrial dysfunction secondary to other disease ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Stephen J. Kiraly, MD, FRCPC, September 2011
... about prevention. In the US in 2009 there were 5.3 million people with Alzheimer disease (AD), and a new case developed ... 50. Age-related memory impairment af­fects about 40% of people 65 years or older.[ 19 ] It is a cumulative result of ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Sandra Sirrs, MD, FRCPC, May 2011
... manifestations (or no manifestations at all) in different people. Epidemiology of mitochondrial diseases  Primary ... disorders of the respiratory chain affect up to 1 in 5000 people and are much more common than previously realized.[ 4 ... disease is actually common and affects hundreds of people in Bri­tish Columbia, including some members of ...