
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Ron Wilson, MD, CCFP January/February 2013
... So what are we to do? Conveying knowledge and educating people about why something is good for them is seldom enough. ... does seem to work, however, is the observation that when people realize that other people are doing something positive, they just might do it ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Kathleen Cadenhead, MD April 2013
... say they feel better since they have cut out gluten? Many people say that they feel better after eliminating gluten ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Kathleen Cadenhead, MD November 2013
... is on making changes to environment and routine to help people get in the habit of eating the right amount of the ...
Point Counterpoint / BY: Hal D. Gunn, MD, June 2012
... reduce the risk of recurrence and improve survival of people with cancer (and thus, substantially reduce overall ... since high distress levels are common among people living with cancer. In a recent study of over 3000 ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Lloyd Oppel, MD, MHSc, FCFP(Em) December 2012
... in our charge. The 1918 flu epidemic killed 50 million people worldwide—more than the number of deaths in the ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Ron Wilson, MD, CCFP January/February 2012
... we think, “Oh no, not again, I’m so tired of hearing people get on their soapbox about this.” Do we think, ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Roy Purssell, MD, FRCPC March 2012
... death in Canada.[ 1 ] It was estimated that in 2009, 976 people died in alcohol-related crashes in Canada.[ 2 ] Canada ... 2 ] The BC road fatality rate in 2009 (8.1 per 100000 people), was above the national average (7.3) and far higher ... again, and general deterrence refers to the fact that people who might otherwise drink and drive are deterred from ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Bill Mackie, MD May 2012
... biochem­­ist T. Colin Campbell, concludes that people whose diet consists of high con­sumption of ... likely.  Campbell examined the diet and lifestyle of 6500 people and discovered that those people who ate less than 20% animal protein failed to develop ...
Point Counterpoint / BY: Lloyd Oppel, MD, MHSc, FCFP(Em) June 2012
... care” can all mean different things to different people.  All of the foregoing labels can be used to describe ... we live in a libertarian society where, within limits, people have the freedom to make choices other than the most ... who will note that the Samueli Institute is headed by people trained in “mind/body methods, spiritual healing, ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Kathleen Cadenhead, MD October 2011
... Do we need supplements? If so, which ones, and when? Most people do not need supplements. The majority of individuals ...