
Clinical Articles / BY: Catherine L. Weber, MD, FRCPC, July/August 2008
... kidney disease (CKD). In BC, there are at least 145 000 people with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of less than 60 mL/min, and about 35 000 people whose physicians have actually identified CKD as a ... if you also include those at highest risk for CKD (people with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or both), this ...
Interviews / BY: Jay Draper September 2008
... do it for? From age 10 until 27—through most of school. People ask me how I trained and competed in university and ... something that really interested me. The advice I give to people contemplating going into medicine is, If your ... What’s your favorite thing to do as a doctor? Helping people maintain their health is my biggest focus. I enjoy ...
Editorials / BY: Gavin Stuart, MD, Dean, UBC Faculty of Medicine, September 2008
... a milestone in the history of health care in BC. For people in underserved areas of the province, the reasons for ... hockey arena in Prince George in 2000, when nearly 7000 people gathered to protest a critical lack of rural health ...
Editorials / BY: James A. Wilson, MD September 2008
... information at that point was coming from drug detail people, collegial conversations in the OR change room, and an ... tad too long, and although I will miss the action and the people at the BCMJ, I’m making the call before someone else ...
Back Page / BY: William A. Falk, MD, FCFPC, FRCGP September 2008
... the money. The biggest untapped source of money? We, the people. We often see references to the need for people to take more responsibility for their own health care. ... in order to pay doctor and hospital bills. In fact, most people do not generate large medical bills in any one year, ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Mark R.C. Dickeson, MD, FRCSC, FACS September 2008
... be amazing. I learned that the town of just more than 4000 people remains loyal to its Russian Douk­hobor roots, with a ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Joanna Bates, MDCM, CCFP September 2008
... from a qualified applicant pool of more than 700.  Young people in BC had fewer opportunities to become physicians than young people in other parts of Canada. And in spite of an increase ... BC. • Increase access to medical education for BC young people, including rural and Aboriginal youth who are ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Barry Thorneloe (VFMP), MD September 2008
... way too much time in the same room with a small group of people, and everybody knows your name.  We had been medical ... we managed to pull off the experiment conceived by 5000 people—a medical program in Prince George was now ... imposed on us by rules that work well for keeping 200 people in line, but are perhaps a little rigid for governing ...
Clinical Articles / BY: David Snadden, MBChB, MCISc, MD, FRCGP, FRCP (Edin) September 2008
... and specialists translate into significant problems for people living in those communities.[ 1 ]  The Northern ... first integrated clerkships in towns of fewer than 10000 people started in the fall of 2007. Expanding the medical ... underserved areas.  Until then, there are thousands of people across the province—from small community groups ...
President's Comment / BY: Bill Mackie, MD October 2008
... everyone’s advantage for each of us, physicians and lay people alike, to do our homework and determine each ...