
Clinical Articles / BY: Nupura Krishnadev, MD, October 2008
... an elevated cardiovascular risk.  Studies suggest that people with schizophrenia are two to three times more likely ... frequency of diabetes has been found in the relatives of people with schizophrenia, suggesting a genetic association ... Competing interests None declared. Studies suggest that people with schizophrenia are two to three times more likely ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Catherine L. Weber, MD, FRCPC, July/August 2008
... kidney disease (CKD). In BC, there are at least 145 000 people with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of less than 60 mL/min, and about 35 000 people whose physicians have actually identified CKD as a ... if you also include those at highest risk for CKD (people with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or both), this ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Jason Andrade, MD, FRCPC, June 2008
... in many circumstances, they can be less effective with people who are not of Northern European heritage.  The ... disease, or stroke) there may be as many as 1.5 million people, or up to one-third of the BC population, who require ...
President's Comment / BY: Bill Mackie, MD November 2008
... My riding transit means one less car on the road. If more people took transit, even just one day a week, there would be ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Mark R.C. Dickeson, MD, FRCSC, FACS September 2008
... be amazing. I learned that the town of just more than 4000 people remains loyal to its Russian Douk­hobor roots, with a ...
News&Notes / BY: Mel Petreman, MD, July/August 2008
... break down. It is, therefore, essential that at least two people in the clinic be interested and keen in learning how ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Susan Albersheim, MD, FRCPC, PhD, November 2008
... with as such, we must recognize that equally competent people can make totally different decisions based on personal ... of viability. Moreover, the manner in which reasonable people make decisions varies. Therefore, since the ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Joanna Bates, MDCM, CCFP September 2008
... from a qualified applicant pool of more than 700.  Young people in BC had fewer opportunities to become physicians than young people in other parts of Canada. And in spite of an increase ... BC. • Increase access to medical education for BC young people, including rural and Aboriginal youth who are ...
News&Notes / BY: Kashmira Suraliwalla July/August 2008
... are always looking for ways to improve. Health promotion People in BC want to take responsibility for their own health ... • We eat better. • We exercise more than most people in the world.   • We have a world-class cancer ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Vikram R. Comondore, MD, December 2008
... should be differentiated from the pressured alertness of people who sleep little. Quantitative sleep loss can be due ...