
Clinical Articles / BY: Jeffrey M. Pike, MD, MPH, FRCSC July/August 2008
... there are 111 family practice physicians per 100000 people in British Columbia,[ 5 ] less than 1% of family ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Lori d’Agincourt-Canning, MSc, MA, PhD, December 2008
... it provided access to genetic consultations for some people whose economic or personal situation would have ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Myles Blank, MD, FRCPC, April 2007
... statistics. The  DSM-IV-TR  indicates that 1% of people in the general population have been diagnosed with a ... avoidance symptoms, e.g., avoiding places, activities, and people that arouse recollections of trauma. D. Two or more ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Mark Fok, MD, FRCPC September 2007
... hours for work and sleep per week. Research suggests people may overestimate or underestimate self-reported ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Danuta M. Skowronski, MD, FRCPC June 2007
... back   Pandemics, from the Greek pan (all) and demos (people), are caused by the emergence of novel pathogens ... estimates, the influenza pandemic of 1918–19 killed more people worldwide (50 to 100 million) in a matter of months ... as having “felt it most” while “children and old people escaped entirely or were affected in a slighter ...
Obituaries / BY: C.E. McDonnell, MD, December 2007
... but medical services were patchy for the several thousand people in the area. Construction of a Nechako River Dam was on the horizon, with approximately 2000 people on site. In addition, the First Nations population of ...
Obituaries May 2007
... at the superb arrangements that Hugh oversaw. Even today, people describe it as the best meeting in the association’s ... Perhaps Hugh’s greatest gift was his ability with people. How one can achieve so much, for so long, without ...
Obituaries / BY: Neil Menzies, October 2007
... clinics and as a school physician. Always interested in people, she made friends with everyone she met, and will be ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Réka Gustafson, MD, MSc, MHSc, FRCPC June 2007
... virus causes clinically severe illness. At such a time, people will try to reduce exposure to the pandemic virus by avoiding crowds and improving personal hygiene. People may also expect authorities to impose restrictions to ... symptomatic. Once there is transmission in the community, people will be exposed in multiple settings, and the ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Pratibha Reebye, MBBS, FRCPC, May 2007
... and teachers. The match between what these places and people can provide to meet the needs of the child is known as ...