
Clinical Articles / BY: David Baxter June 2000
... practice is the continual increase in the percentage of people who live to reach “old age”: over the past ... groups has been dramatic. There were 8329 fewer deaths of people under the age of 65 in Canada in 1998 than there were ... the population gets older since, effectively, 2 older people contribute 1.6 younger people to the population. Below ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Harvey Thommasen, MD, MSc, FCFP November 2000
... directory data, that communities with fewer than 7000 people have the lowest year-to-year physician retention rates ... studied were communities that had fewer than 30,000 people and had either a hospital or diagnostic-and-treatment ... this reflects the fact that looking after Aboriginal people is more stressful than looking after non-native ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Danuta M. Skowronski, MD, FRCPC June 2000
... bites from rabid dogs. Each year, approximately 4 million people require rabies post-exposure prophylaxis.[ 1,2 ]  The ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Marilyn Thorpe, MD, FRCPC
... the condition. As well, some intergenerational events for people with type 1 diabetes could help patients share their ... might be worthwhile to have intergenerational events for people with type 1 diabetes so that patients could share ...
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