
Clinical Articles / BY: Andrew J. Juren, MD, May 2012
... also shows im­provement with smoking cessation, even in people who have already developed symptoms. The forced ... them toward complete abstinence. Summary   Millions of people die prematurely each year as a result of smoking. ... health risks of smoking are well known, yet millions of people die prematurely each year due to the damaging effects ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Hamish Hwang, MD, FRCSC, FACS March 2012
... future over the next 25 to 30 years as the number of people in this age group is projected to increase to 24% by ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Alison Granger-Brown, MA, December 2012
... Change; The Sweatlodge and the Sioux; The Potlatch and My People. The learners discussed person­al journeys toward ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Gibong Lee, BSc(Pharm), MD, July/August 2012
... is common in North America, with an estimated 2 million people identified as current (past month) users.[ 1 ] ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Ruth Elwood Martin, MD, FCFP, MPH December 2012
... are Aboriginal.[ 7 ] Incar­cerated adult Aboriginal people are generally younger, have less formal education, and ... to be unemployed than are incarcerated non-Aboriginal people.[ 8 ] The guiding principles of the 2003 World Health ... and positive HIV status.[ 54 ] In BC, an estimated 30% of people with substance abuse, mental illness, or both (SAMI) ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Philippa Hawley, FRCPC July/August 2012
... the biggest barrier to good pain management for the many people living and dying with chronic pain.  Palliative care ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Nadia A. Khan, MSc, MD October 2012
... (HOT) trial, which involved randomly assigning 18790 people to a DBP of 90 mm Hg or less, 85 mm Hg or less, and 80 ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Stephen J. Kiraly, MD, FRCPC, September 2011
... about prevention. In the US in 2009 there were 5.3 million people with Alzheimer disease (AD), and a new case developed ... 50. Age-related memory impairment af­fects about 40% of people 65 years or older.[ 19 ] It is a cumulative result of ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Jason Kur, MD, FRCPC, ABIM April 2011
... 66.7% of respondents work in a region of more than 500000 people, while another 12.5% practise in a region of 300000 to 499999 people ( Figure 2 ).  Data were also collected on the amount ... recommends a ratio of one rheumatologist for every 75000 people (oral communication with the Hu­man Resources ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Sandi Culo, BScOT, MD, FRCPC, October 2011
... initiative, depression, anxiety, and paranoia can prevent people from implementing their choices and thus make them ...