
Clinical Articles / BY: Sympascho Young, MD December 2020
... of permanent pacemakers in otherwise young and healthy people, which in turn can lead to a lifetime of pulse ...
Premise / BY: Caitlin Dunne, MD, FRCSC July/August 2020
... and activists have made it clear that they expect people (particularly White people) in positions of leadership and of privilege, who have ... review on breast and cervical cancer in Black Canadians (people of African/Caribbean/Black ancestry living in ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Konia Trouton, MD, CCFP, MPH, FCFP January/February 2020
... This is an important consideration because up to 30% of people on Vancouver Island do not have a family physician. ... expressed uncertainty in discussing it with unfamiliar people as they wished to avoid aggressive debates and/or ... providing some form of bereavement support, most referred people to resources (community programs, grief counseling, ...
Premise / BY: H.M.K. McGillivray, BSc December 2020
... deaths from lung cancer can be directly credited to fewer people smoking[ 8 ] and advances in treatment.[ 7 ] Although ...
Premise / BY: Marjorie Dixon, MD, FRCSC, FACOG, REI July/August 2020
... of 2020. We can, and must, change the system so that the people treating patients are actually representative of the ...
Premise / BY: Mark Elliott, MD, FRCPC March 2020
... dating back over 100 years (which should scare you) to people like Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke with their aphasia ... the whole universe. Research on things like this leads people to say that consciousness is simply the imperfect ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Jan Klimas, MSc, PhD September 2020
... opioid medications in the province. More than 80% of people who use heroin say they started with prescription ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Antonia Hyman, MSc April 2020
... (e.g., avoid inappropriate terms such as “our Indigenous people,” which implies ownership). Develop protocols and ...
Clinical Articles, COVID-19 / BY: Kristopher T. Kang, MD September 2020
... each other through the pandemic. There are many ways that people can help, such as: Staying connected to family and ...
Premise / BY: Mark Elliott, MD, FRCPC April 2020
... mutation and natural selection. However, there are many people now questioning the completeness of these principles. ...