
News March 2021
... JCCs: Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, General Practice Services Committee, Shared Care Committee, and ...
News December 2020
... by 31 December 2023, the Doctors Technology Office and the Practice Support Program are available to family doctors as ...
News, COVID-19 July/August 2020
... but have pediatric or high-risk adult patients in their practice can encourage parents and others to continue with ...
News April 2020
... medical treatment Dr Devereaux provided based on current practice at that time, the patient died before she was able ...
News, COVID-19 July/August 2020
... preparing to reopen clinics and offices, Getting Back to Practice , and has posted a recording of a recent online ... . News COVID-19 Back-to-practice resources ...
Billing Tips / BY: Nick Szpakowicz, MD April 2020
... in audits related to your specialty and/or scope of practice. If you are called, the audit will be scheduled ... Committee (AIC) requests an on-site audit of a medical practice, an attempt is made to match the medical inspector with the type of practice being audited. Having a peer physician conduct the ...
News, COVID-19 October 2020
... has implemented a COVID-19 safety plan in their community practice. Eligible physicians are those who: Have an active practice in a community office that provides publicly funded ...
News May 2020
... the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC’s Physician Practice Enhancement Program. It outlines: Benefits of ... when deciding which dictation offering best suits your practice. Many practices have found the initial setup and ... assist physicians in employing virtual care within their practice, the Doctors Technology Office has developed a ...
News November 2020
... including the desire of some established and new-to-practice family doctors to move away from the fee-for-service ... family physicians. Individual contracts for new-to-practice family physicians. Simplified temporary COVID-19 ... information visit (member login ...
News June 2020
... Remote Medicine of the SRPC recognizes expertise in the practice of rural medicine in Canada. The Fellowship award is ...