
News / BY: Catherine Clelland, MD October 2022
... to strengthen family physicians’ ability to care for people living with cancer in their communities. In 2016, FPON ...
News June 2022
... articles, head and shoulders above the rest at 79% of people’s top five favorite sections. Case studies, features ...
Proust for Physicians November 2022
... the Indigenous family medicine program, nurturing amazing people. Who are your heroes? My older brothers, who always ... your favorite patients share? It’s less about individual people and more about the moments I’ve had with many people, where we meet in our humanness during surreal moments ...
News / BY: Sandy Zhang, MPH July/August 2022
... of cancer death in Canada and worldwide. In BC, seven people die of lung cancer every day. With 70% of all cases ... and who are not experiencing any symptoms. This includes people who: Are 55 to 74 years of age. Currently smoke or ...
News September 2022
... Rena Caron of Prince George is one of 14 exceptional people being appointed to the Order of British Columbia in ... to improve cancer outcomes and wellness among Indigenous people by examining the stories and needs of Indigenous ...
News September 2022
... the history of and ongoing trauma to Indigenous people caused by residential schools and is a time to reflect ...
News September 2022
... for making mental health and addictions care better for people in British Columbia : ...
News January/February 2022
... back to her community and building relationships with people in her town. She worked with Alberni Drug and Alcohol ...
News September 2021
... probiotic could help relieve anxiety symptoms in people with Parkinson disease. Parkinson disease often causes ...
Proust for Physicians June 2021
... at my home in Nicaragua. Surrounded by animals and the people I love. Staring out over the ocean, trees, birds, and ...