
Index December 2008
... Council on Health Promotion (cohp), opinions (op), General Practice Services Committee (gpsc), Good Guys (gg), In ... Infective endocarditis prophylaxis: An update for clinical practice* 8:451  Appleton G: The consensus? There is no ... visits: Enhancing chronic illness care (gpsc) 6:297; Practice Support Program module helps GPs support patient ...
Index December 2008
... Infective endocarditis prophylaxis: An update for clinical practice* (Andrade J, Stadnick E, Mohamed A) 8:451 Regional ... AGM (c) (McFee D) 4:184 PITO responds (c) (Golbey M) 1:14 Practice Support Program implementation the focus of mid-term review (gpsc) (Kallstrom L) 9:497 Practice Support Program module helps GPs support patient ...
Index December 2007
... Council on Health Promotion (cohp), opinions (op), General Practice Services Committee (gpsc), Good Guys (gg), In ... student column (bcmd2b), Point•Counterpoint (pcp), Practice Pearls (pp), Premise (op), Pulsimeter (pu), Special ... in the Subsidiary Agreement for Physicians in Rural Practice (gpsc) 8:426 Beck L: Where family medicine and law ...
Index December 2007
... A case report* (Whittington C) 1:24 ANTIBIOTIC USE  See  PRACTICE OF MEDICINE ANTIPRESSANTS Venlafaxine: Troubling ... in the Subsidiary Agreement for Physicians in Rural Practice (gpsc) (Avery G) 8:426 Leaving with mixed feelings ... (c) (Weir M) 3:108 BILLING  See also  BCMA--GENERAL PRACTICE SERVICES COMMITTEE Back to basics (ed) (Rebbeck PM) ...
College Library / BY: Linda Einblau December 2003
... Syndromes: Evidence Based Guidelines for Primary Care Practice  (Peter Manu. New York: Haworth Medical Press, ...
College Library / BY: Jim Henderson March 2002
... . A smaller Canadian series of best practice publications is available in print from MLS or full ... A BC centre for advancement of addiction knowledge and practice And there is hope. The March 2001 document,  ... Columbia Centre for Advancement of Addiction Knowledge and Practice, incorporated as a society. The centre is described ...
College Library / BY: Jim Henderson May 2002
... is also encouraging use of the literature in clinical practice. With the improved access to the literature, there is a growing expectation that practice will reflect what is known through research. It is ...
College Library / BY: Jim Henderson October 2002
... the importance of published information to clinical practice, established library services. In 1960, the vision ...
College Library / BY: Jim Henderson May 2001
... intersection of regulation, societal values, and clinical practice. The Internet, with its ability to link individuals ...
College Library / BY: Jim Henderson July / August 2001
... Infobase at  effectively organizes Canadian practice guidelines and makes the full text of many available ...