
Obituaries / BY: Roy Innes, MD April 2022
... learn. He knew more about historical epidemics than most people want to know, had a passion for statistics, and would ...
Obituaries / BY: Peter Kokan, MD November 2022
... being the centre of attention wherever he went. He loved people and loved telling stories, making speeches, or singing ...
Obituaries / BY: David M. Lawson, PhD, RPsych September 2022
... is . . . one of the kindest, most supportive and courteous people you will ever meet . . . her patient care, ... until shortly before she died because she didn’t want people to worry about her. She never complained or shed a ...
Letters / BY: Suzanne Montemuro, MD, CCFP April 2022
... dutifully arrived at 7:15 a.m. and lined up with 20 other people to wait for the 8 a.m. opening, only to be told at 8 ...
Letters / BY: Vaclav Hyrman, MD, FRCPC December 2022
... have become more prevalent in the industrial age when more people got jobs and developed a “job mentality.” “Job ... be a way around it. Having seen (in psychiatric practice) people suffering from symptoms of burnout regardless of their ...
Letters / BY: Ruth Habte, MD September 2022
... my own opinion today—an opinion informed by caring for people who found themselves in the working poor and in need ... are taking. My opinion is also informed by taking care of people in abusive relationships, who may be in ... seeing the impact on reproductive health care. All these people, and more, would benefit from universal free ...
Letters / BY: Joanne Sinai, MD, MEd, FRCPC April 2022
... charged under this bill and may be dissuaded from treating people with gender dysphoria at all. We are in a unique ... “Endocrine treatment of transgender and gender-diverse people,” and “Gender-affirming surgical care in British ...
Obituaries / BY: Bruce L. Miller, MD December 2022
... elevating the priority for admission of Indigenous people. Bruce was greatly admired by his peers, and he ...
Letters / BY: Gail Knudson, MD, MEd, FRCPC September 2022
... the provision of medical care to trans and gender-diverse people is controversial in some quarters, but it is the ... competent health care to transgender and gender-diverse people. Dr Leising[ 1 ] has written a detailed response[ 7 ] ...
Obituaries / BY: Mary Conley, MD June 2022
... zest for life. She always looked for the good in people, made friends easily, and was full of cheer and good ...