jjablkowski's blog

My total hip surgery and my 90th birthday happened within days of each other. My supportive friends gifted me with books both to celebrate the occasions and to provide me with entertainment while I was in temporary home confinement.

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On 28 August 2019 I had a total replacement of my left osteoarthritic hip. With spinal anesthetic I was more or less awake during the procedure to hear the buzz of the saw and the blows of the hammer as my prosthesis was being inserted. I was awake enough to reflect that my maternal grandfather, Dr Bertholm Widder (1873–1910), was in training for orthopaedic surgery at the Berlin hospital where Professor Themistocles Gluck attempted the first hip replacement operation in 1891. The patient’s hip joint was destroyed by tuberculosis.

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Many years ago I was invited to meet a small group of young people—boys and girls, between 13 and 16 years of age—all with varying problems relating to cerebral palsy. They had monthly meetings with professionals like lawyers, bankers, engineers, artists, and doctors who explained the nature of their professional work and answered questions relating to their expertise. My task was to answer questions about sexual issues.

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The Gendered Brain

Brains are not naturally male or female, is the thesis put forward by neuroscientist Gina Rippon in a new book, The Gendered Brain: How Neuroscience Explodes the Myths of the Male and Female Brain

What is the role of the brain? The brain does what the mind is. And the brain does its work the same way in the human male and the human female.

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Monday 5 August is BC Day, a civic holiday to celebrate achievements in our province and relax with friends and family members in our gardens or our lovely public places. I do not have a green thumb and hardly know the names of any flowers, but I delight in seeing any bud coming alive.

This came to mind when I noticed that this year we had more than our share of foxgloves in our garden, several more than a few metres tall, yet I cannot recall anyone planting them.

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