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Shelley Ross, MD
Asking physicians to work harder, work longer hours, and take on more patients is not a solution to the current issues in primary care. That’s why the General Practice Services Committee (GPSC) and its funding partners... Read More
Even though the weather hasn’t quite caught up, it really is springtime. At this time of year I like to go through my files and cupboards and do a little dusting and tidying to get ready for the summer ahead. As... Read More
I am writing to comment on the letter from Dr Angus Rae referring to the steps taken by the BCMA to improve the relationship between the Faculty of Medicine (FOM) and clinical faculty. The BCMA has supported clinical... Read More
I have been an urban physician my whole life and have experienced the challenges of long referral waits, quality-of-life decisions, juggling limited health care resources, and the obligation to promote health in my... Read More
In the scheme of things, half an hour a day is a small amount of time to dedicate to any one person’s overall health. But for doctors specifically, who are usually pressed for time, I know finding these 30 minutes... Read More
For many people, the new year is an opportunity for new beginnings, fresh starts, and hope for a happy, healthy, and prosperous year. For the physicians of BC it also means the start of negotiations of the... Read More
During my many years of family practice, nothing was more heartwarming, joyous, or angelic than starting each Christmas morning checking on my new patients who were just beginning their life in this world. Every... Read More
I have recently begun my travels around this beautiful province in an effort to meet with as many physicians as I can. At the outset of my presidency, my first priority was to begin the tough road of rebuilding... Read More
Thomas Edison—who is said to have invented one or two things—said a long time ago, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed up in overalls and looks like work.” I’m not sure if he was referring to... Read More
This is the year for getting out and about. The value of meeting and talking with individuals and groups face to face cannot be underestimated, and I intend to do a lot of that this year. The last few years have had... Read More