
Clinical Articles / BY: L.S. Yefet, MD October 2021
... Prescriber details Data on each physician’s type of practice were obtained by linking their unique de-identified ... dentistry, general dentistry, diagnostics, general practice, medicine, nurse practitioner, pediatrics, pharmacy, ... rates by psychiatrists may be secondary to a shift in practice patterns due to addiction medicine specialists ...
Obituaries / BY: Keith G. Lowden, MD April 2021
... region as public health officer. Arnold resumed general practice in Moose Jaw in 1960. He always enjoyed the ...
Obituaries / BY: Vera Frinton, MD December 2021
... from his home-based (and subsequently government clinic) practice. David had little choice as new government policies ...
Obituaries / BY: Richard James, MD January/February 2021
... Vancouver in 1973 as his father, John, had joined a family practice at Oakridge, but Dave stayed behind to attend his ...
Obituaries / BY: A. Maria Chung, MDCM October 2021
... June 1953 and moved to Vancouver. There she started a solo practice at Vancouver General Hospital and the old Grace ... home once she had children. Despite the opposition, her practice thrived. Newly arrived Chinese-speaking immigrants ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Lise Leveille, MD, MHSc June 2021
... musculoskeletal pathology seen in a typical primary care practice. Although a large proportion of visits to primary ...
Obituaries / BY: John W. Perry, MD, and family December 2021
... a fellow graduate, in December 1965, and entered general practice in Innisfail, Alberta, until relocating to West ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Sean Duke, MSc, MD March 2021
... over the past decade has influenced a shift in routine practice, which supports the use of direct—that is, without ... reactions to beta-lactams.[ 20 , 24 ] A new CPS Practice Point recommends an approach to the evaluation of ... In adhering to the recommendations outlined in the CPS Practice Point,[ 20 ] primary care providers can safely and ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Philippa Hawley, FRCPC November 2021
... classification system for analgesics; it is not a clinical practice guideline. Step 2 analgesics have a very small role ... theoretically trigger a partial withdrawal reaction. In practice, this does not seem to be a problem.[ 13 ] ...
Obituaries / BY: Harvey Lui, MD, FRCPC June 2021
... of Canada. He later transitioned to community dermatology practice in Burnaby as a clinical faculty member while ...