
News May 2014
... brain diseases, but little was known about how they contribute to symptoms such as memory loss. The study used ... known as long-term depression, has been shown to contribute to cognitive impairment in Alzheimer disease. News ...
News May 2014
... was instrumental in engaging key community leaders to contribute to the development of culturally appropriate ...
News September 2014
... in participating in the project. If you would like to contribute your work to this collection, or you know of an ...
MDs To Be / BY: Jasna Levi, BSc, MSc, July/August 2013
... violin lessons—maybe then I could have had something to contribute to this amazing event.  “All of these students ...
News / BY: Trixie Baker, October 2013
... TFSA: The basics TFSAs allow Canadian residents to contribute up to $5500 annually (as of 1 January 2013). ... to withdraw TFSA funds, the next year he or she can re-contribute the same amount withdrawn.  •    Unlike ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Tyler W. Smith, MD, MHSc, FRCPC April 2013
... these tests knowing that the results are unlikely to contribute to patient care. When asked whether testing was ...
MDs To Be / BY: Laura Budd, BMSc, January/February 2013
... content can counterbalance opinionated information, contribute expert advice, and validate posted material. Why ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Janet Kushner Kow, MD, MEd, FRCPC, March 2013
... are provided in  Table 1 . A list of pharmaceuticals that contribute to incontinence—the second P in DISAPPEAR—is ... delirium, and constipation are other conditions that can contribute to incontinence. Stool impaction in particular can cause anatomic changes that contribute to overactive bladder, urine retention, or loss of ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Romayne Gallagher, MD, CCFP(PC), FCFP March 2013
... and methadone. Active metabolites are thought to contribute to opioid-induced neurotoxicity,[ 24 ] a syndrome ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Natalie Drouillard, MD, March 2013
... illness is useful for BPSD. Many biological factors can contribute to the development of dementia symptoms, including ...