
Clinical Articles / BY: Ruth Elwood Martin, MD, FCFP, MPH December 2012
... are Aboriginal.[ 7 ] Incar­cerated adult Aboriginal people are generally younger, have less formal education, and ... to be unemployed than are incarcerated non-Aboriginal people.[ 8 ] The guiding principles of the 2003 World Health ... and positive HIV status.[ 54 ] In BC, an estimated 30% of people with substance abuse, mental illness, or both (SAMI) ...
Interviews / BY: Jay Draper September 2012
... a 3-month probation through the IMG program, and of those people who go through the probation, half of them will be ... I was amazed, when I was closing the practice, how many people had been with me the full 36 years I’d been in ... is tremendous. You make a good living, you can influence people to make good decisions, and you have influence in the ...
Beyond Medicine / BY: Sterling Haynes, MD December 2012
... 18th century, the society promoted the rescue of drowning people, and paid 4 guineas (about $160 today) to anyone who ... or smoldered as “bum cigars.” American First Nations people used tobacco as a medicine and pioneered the use of ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Nadia A. Khan, MSc, MD October 2012
... (HOT) trial, which involved randomly assigning 18790 people to a DBP of 90 mm Hg or less, 85 mm Hg or less, and 80 ...
Interviews / BY: Jay Draper January/February 2012
... the CEO of an organization? That’s a good question. People might also ask, “How did a lawyer end up being the ... senior public servants are more important than sometimes people can appreciate—and are less politically laden than people sometimes imagine. So often, there is no political ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Simon W. Rabkin, MD, FRCPC, FACC October 2012
... practising today in our multicultural society must treat people from many different backgrounds. The beliefs and past ...
MDs To Be / BY: Annika Klopp, BSc, April 2012
... look at the potential of artistic expression as a way for people to feel better and to articulate what is needed for ... writing, music, mask-making, and painting—as a way for people to feel better, voice insights in innovative ways ... a little worried. We hold tight until noon and slowly people start to trickle in. By 12:30, the maximum number we ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Hamish Hwang, MD, FRCSC, FACS January/February 2012
... number of general surgeons in Canada is 5.0 per 100 000 people.[ 1 ] In BC we currently have 4.0 general surgeons for every 100 000 people and the number has been as low as 3.3 in 2002.[ 1 ] The United States has 7.1 general surgeons per 100 000 people, which is much closer to the ideal number needed to ...
Beyond Medicine / BY: Gerry Greenstone, MD, June 2011
... tumorigenesis, and viral replication.[ 4 ] Since people with HIV/AIDS are known to have elevated levels of ... stimulated the growth of “buyers’ clubs,” groups of people with HIV/AIDS, particularly in New York and ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Jack Teng, PhD, April 2011
... expanding human population and economic growth. More people are recreating and working in the human-wildlife ...