
Clinical Articles / BY: Derin Karacabeyli, MD July/August 2020
... One physician said, “I know what to do now when I get people to come back. . . whereas before if I was worried ... same messages. . . and if we repeat it often enough and people hear it often enough it might then be the key to, to ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Hetesh Ranchod, MD, FRCPC January/February 2020
... Loss. Support groups: In-person and telephone groups for people in the early stages of dementia and groups for ... Minds in Motion: A social and fitness program for people with mild cognitive impairment in the early stages of ... access to community resources. A study has shown that people who were referred directly to First Link by health ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Kelsey D.M. Kozoriz, MSc, MD, CCFP December 2020
... 2015. Last year, it was estimated that almost 690 million people worldwide struggled with chronic hunger.[ 2 ] Devastatingly, 2020 will see even more people struggle to access healthy nutrition as the social and ... food insecurity affects 12% of Canadians and millions of people around the globe.[ 3 ] We can help our patients ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Jan Klimas, MSc, PhD September 2020
... opioid medications in the province. More than 80% of people who use heroin say they started with prescription ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Matthew D. Burkey, MD, PhD, MPH January/February 2020
... brought together experts, clinicians, policymakers, and people with lived experience of ACEs to share promising ...
Clinical Articles, COVID-19 / BY: Kristopher T. Kang, MD September 2020
... each other through the pandemic. There are many ways that people can help, such as: Staying connected to family and ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Konia Trouton, MD, CCFP, MPH, FCFP January/February 2020
... This is an important consideration because up to 30% of people on Vancouver Island do not have a family physician. ... expressed uncertainty in discussing it with unfamiliar people as they wished to avoid aggressive debates and/or ... providing some form of bereavement support, most referred people to resources (community programs, grief counseling, ...
Obituaries / BY: Mark Elliott, MD, FRCPC September 2020
... never to return to Tunisia or have contact with people there. He was able to support himself in Paris by ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Derek C. Chang, MD April 2020
... 1 ] Moms Stop the Harm,[ 2 ] the Canadian Association of People Who Use Drugs,[ 3 ] and the City of Vancouver,[ 4 ] ... of recovery. I truly believe that decriminalization of people who use drugs and safe supply save lives. We need to ...
Clinical Articles, COVID-19 / BY: Sonny Thiara, MD October 2020
... 2 ] As of 6 September 2020, more than 27 million people worldwide have been infected and more than 900 000 ...