
Clinical Articles, Original Research / BY: Kevin E. Liang, MD, CCFP May 2023
... when clinically advantageous. Children, older adults, and people with disabilities may not have the inspiratory flows ...
Clinical Articles, Original Research / BY: Patricia M. Massel, MD June 2023
... and additive fears . . . are pretty distressing for people.” Recommendations Health care providers need ... provided by the BC SUPPORT (British Columbia Support for People and Patient-Oriented Research and Trials) Unit. This ...
President's Comment / BY: Joshua Greggain, MD December 2023
Dr Joshua Greggain “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” This ...
Clinical Articles, Original Research / BY: Ka Wai Cheung, MD, MPH, FRCPC March 2023
... leadership emphasizes the need to “care about people always, cultivate individual and team relationships, ...
President's Comment / BY: Joshua Greggain, MD November 2023
... shape the future. This is your opportunity to ensure the people you want representing you in leadership roles at ... who is doing well, long arms to give hugs to one or more people when they are struggling, and high heels to be seen at ...
Beyond Medicine, Interviews / BY: Caitlin Dunne, MD, FRCSC January/February 2023
... settler on the territory of the lək̓ʷəŋən-speaking people in Victoria, where I’ve spent the last year, and ... if not a lifetime.” There are lots of predictors of why people do rural medicine; for me, it was a combination of ... generalism but also a ton to do with being connected to people, which I’ve always really enjoyed. Is there a story ...
Clinical Articles, Review Articles / BY: James R. Gray, MD, FRCPC July/August 2023
... thus reflecting the presentation of this cancer in younger people.[ 5 ] Some estimates suggest that within the next ...
Clinical Articles, Review Articles / BY: Carol-Anne Vallée, MD May 2023
... of reproductive choice and high-quality abortion for all people in Canada.[ 6 , 7 ] From 1969 to 1988, abortion care ... care providers offers a toll-free phone line to help people in BC who are seeking abortion care connect with their ... at an urban facility. In Canada and throughout BC, people who are seeking abortion may have difficulty finding a ...
Editorials / BY: Caitlin Dunne, MD, FRCSC October 2023
... editorial. Feminism means different things to different people. It can be alienating and polarizing, particularly to ...
Beyond Medicine / BY: Tara Lyon March 2023
... choosing in the past, it’s so important. Indigenous people wouldn’t necessarily see themselves in this research ... is traumatizing (and retraumatizing) for many Indigenous people, she found medical school had the same lasting impact, ... forgiveness, and part of the reason I’m here is to help people, to give back, and to provide the care that Indigenous ...