
Billing Tips / BY: Nick Szpakowicz, MD April 2020
... in audits related to your specialty and/or scope of practice. If you are called, the audit will be scheduled ... Committee (AIC) requests an on-site audit of a medical practice, an attempt is made to match the medical inspector with the type of practice being audited. Having a peer physician conduct the ...
WorkSafeBC May 2020
... sessions. The ECAT program is rooted in evidence-based practice and provides education, support, and reassurance to ...
WorkSafeBC / BY: Ernest Salcedo September 2020
... billing program provides you with many tools to help your practice. One of the biggest benefits is the ability to ... that offer a wide variety of services to help your practice, so browse for the one that fits your budget and ... clinic or hospital. If you work at a clinic or a group practice, you need to fill out this form every 5 years. If ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Michael R. Lyon, MD, ABOM December 2019
... triumphs of democracy, science, and common sense. In my practice, Canada’s Food Guide and its many associated ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Steven Larigakis, MD March 2019
... ages), the White Rock–South Surrey Division of Family Practice partnered with the Peace Arch Hospital and Community ...
WorkSafeBC / BY: David J. Rhine, MD, FRCPC March 2019
... a rule of thumb that I have incorporated into my practice is to begin with the 10-20-30 rule. Cognitive ...
WorkSafeBC / BY: Peter Rothfels, MD May 2019
... use in managing chronic noncancer pain, WorkSafeBC issued practice directive #C10-1, “Claims with opioids, ... drugs,” which is available on . The practice directive provides prescription timelines, ... with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC’s practice standards for the safe prescribing of opioids. The ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Elizabeth Wiley, MD, JD, MPH May 2019
... numerous and multifaceted with implications for clinical practice across specialties.[ 2 ] Although often unseen, and ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Ilona Hale, MD, FCFPC June 2019
... who pride ourselves on professionalism and evidence-based practice, we need to become more aware of our assumptions and ... with obesity from feeling humiliated or unwelcome. The practice of routinely weighing all patients should be ...
WorkSafeBC / BY: Derek Smith, MD, FRCSC November 2019
... The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Clinical Practice Guidelines on Distal Radius Fractures recently ...