
College Library / BY: Jim Henderson May 2001
... ethical dilemmas faced by University of Toronto medical students  was available before newspapers reported this ... has been searchable via the Internet on  Grateful Med . However, the  US National Library of Medicine  (NLM) ... continue to be searchable via the Internet on Grateful Med for the next few months. To do a complete search, ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Janet Henderson, MB, BCh September 2001
... a leap to expand our commitment to international medical students. We identified four drugs recently approved for use ... infections. GG167 Influenza Study Group.N Engl J Med 1997;337:874-880.  PubMed Abstract 8. MIST Study Group. ... 7. Krische D. The glitazones: Proceed with caution. West J Med 2000;173:54-57.  PubMed Citation   Full Text 8. King ...
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