Updated BC labor and birth information
Perinatal Services BC has published updated data on labor and birth information on its website for each hospital in BC. The information is available to health care providers and the general public. Data are published for five facility-level maternal and neonatal indicators:
• Vaginal delivery for first-time mothers
• Early repeat cesarean delivery
• Post-date inductions done early
• Only intermittent auscultation in low-risk deliveries
• Healthy babies fed only breast milk
The website includes definitions of the indicators and why they are important. In addition, hospitals that deliver similar numbers of babies each year are assigned to peer groups and each hospital’s rate is presented alongside the peer group rate and the provincial rate.
The information is designed to keep expectant mothers and their families informed about the health services they receive, help them prepare for their birth experience, and help them have informed conversations with their doctors, midwives, or nurse practitioners about their labor and delivery options. Health care teams can use this information to continue to improve quality and safety within perinatal care across the province. The information is available at www.perinatalservicesbc.ca/DataAndSurveillance/Surveillance/FacilityLevelIndicators/AccessingTheData/default.htm.