BCMJ celebrates in style
“It’s been 50 years since the first issue of the British Columbia Medical Journal came off the press. So, we think that’s cause for celebration.” These two lines have actually been taken from a Pulsimeter item from the May 1983 BCMJ (page 264) the only change: replacing 25 with 50.
This half-century milestone was celebrated in style at Performance Works on Granville Island in August with authors, advertisers, and our suppliers all socializing under the best of circumstances with food and drink. This diverse bunch had one thing in common—they are all friends of the BCMJ and we are grateful for that support.
Something else that hasn’t changed over the years is that we still need your help—we pick your brains from time to time when external reviews are required, call on you to submit articles, and in general let us know of anything that will interest our physician readers. We’d like you to stir up some old memories, re-tell some of the more humorous aspects of medical practice, and let us know of any change you’d like to see.
Our continuous loop slideshow blending the old with the new was a hit. Our contests were popular, and a great fun time was had by all.
The doctors of British Columbia as our authors and readers are the strength of the Journal. We’re all in this together, and look forward to the next 50 years!
Thanks to those of you who could join us and make this such a memorable occasion.
—Kashmira Suraliwalla
BCMJ Production Coordinator