BC Perinatal Health Program revises provincial perinatal forms
The BC Perinatal Health Program (BCPHP) has revised several provincial perinatal forms. The revision has been completed for the Labour Partogram, a new Perinatal Triage and Assessment Record (formerly Maternal Assessment Record). A guide for completion of each of the forms is also available. As well, Revised Care Pathways for Postpartum and the Newborn will be available in the next few months.
The purpose of the revision is to ensure that provincial documentation tools are useful and applicable for all levels of maternity care, reflect current evidence-based practice, use Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada terminology for fetal health surveillance, and facilitate documentation for outcome evaluation.
Use of the new forms began in April. The older versions of the Labour Partogram and Maternal Assessment Record will be retired gradually.
As part of BCPHP’s implementation plan, a toolkit is available at all hospitals providing maternity services. A recorded slide presentation and online webinar may be viewed on the BC Perinatal Health Program web site at www.bcphp.ca/Forms.htm.
For more information, contact Ms Lily Lee, perinatal nurse consultant at 604 875-3763 or lily.lee@phsa.ca.