
News January/February 2005
... offer the convenience, safety, and comfort of this type of hemorrhoid banding. Since January 2003, Dr Cleator ... and held the role of chief medical officer at the World Student University Games in Spain in 1999, and at the ...
News / BY: Sandie Braid, CEBS March 2005
... Diphtheria Pertussis  Tetanus Polio Haemophilus influenza Type B Þ Hepatitis B Þ Pneumococcal conjugate 6–23 months ... Pertussis  Tetanus Polio Haemophilus Influenza  Type B Þ Measles Mumps Rubella Þ Pneumococcal conjugate ... Grade 6 (These vaccines are necessary only if the student has not previously had the vaccination.) Þ Hepatitis ...
Letters / BY: William E. Schreiber, MD March 2001
... to know which other schools take this examination, what type of curriculum these schools employ, and how they allow ... The test is therefore of very high quality and allows a student to compare his or her performance to a nationally ... the Comprehensive Examination in the Basic Sciences in the student evaluation system was debated by the Faculty of ...
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