Election results
In the recent Doctors of BC 2016–17 election for president-elect, less than 30% of our membership voted, with the winner receiving 53% of that vote. In the last federal election, which required voters to visit a polling station rather than push a button on a computer, voter turnout was 68%. The other two positions on the executive, and all but 1 of 11 positions on the Board, were filled by acclamation. What has happened to our profession? Why is there such apathy? We had a highly respected candidate for president-elect who ran on the platform of engaging the membership in real change. Two Board members of the Canadian Doctors for Medicare widely circulated e-mails against Dr Day that did not fairly represent his platform. Many colleagues were shocked that such behavior was tolerated. This behavior causes members to disengage. I respectfully ask the Board to review their election policy guidelines for members endorsing candidates. It is time that the Board enforce an attitude of professionalism. Only then can the association expect to earn the respect, engagement, and support of the membership.
—Anne Wachsmuth, MD