A new look for BCMA.org
Issue: BCMJ,
vol. 55, No. 1, January February 2013,
Page 14 News
By: Kate Senkow,
By 1 February 2013, the BC Medical Association’s website will have a fresh new look. Visitors will see new colors, images, and graphics, showcasing BCMA’s current graphic standards and improving the overall appearance of the site. Changes will also include, in accordance with a recent Board resolution, the addition of a detailed and easily navigable BCMA committee directory.
Site structure, sections, and functionality will not change at this time, as a larger website redevelopment project is in the works for early 2014 that will also address design and usability of the site. Stay tuned for further updates on this project over the next year!
—Kate Senkow, Marketing & Digital Communications Officer, BCMA