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J.C.A. Morrant, MBBS, DObst, RCOG, DPM, FRCPC,
The head of the firm where I was a trainee family doctor was a lovable eccentric and mettlesome lay preacher invariably clad in a black jacket and striped trousers bequeathed to him by a grateful head waiter with... Read More
Special feature: You must expect to suffer: Mme d’Arblay and surgery before the advent of anesthesia
Stories of patients awakening from anesthesia during surgery are frequently related with macabre fascination, highlighting gory details and eliciting shudders from listeners. As horrified as we now feel about the... Read More
Domagk (pictured above) and his colleagues synthesized thousands of compounds over 5 years before they were successful. Gerhard Domagk (1895–1964) was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1939 for his research into the... Read More