Podcast for stressed doctors
In August the Canadian Medical Association and their Centre for Physician Health and Well-being launched a new podcast series called Healthy Practices. Healthy Practices explores the challenges and ways of overcoming the stressors affecting the personal and professional lives of physicians.
The podcast is hosted by psychiatrist Dr Mamta Gautam, who is known as the “doctor’s doctor,” since physicians make up her entire practice.
Healthy Practices features a range of health expert guests, including physicians and people from different walks of life, all who have important stories that encourage and promote the importance of living a well-balanced and healthy life.
The two, five-episode series are being broadcast on the CMA web site from August to December 2008.
The first series focuses on mental health and will cover stress, burnout, depression, and stigma. The second series, to be launched later in the fall, will concentrate on findings from the Canadian Physician Health Study.