BCMJ getting greener
The bag that the next issue of the BCMJ will be mailed in is biodegradable. The bags are made of the same plastic resin that most polyethylene or polypropylene bags are made of, but is combined with a compound (made by ECM Biofilms, Microtech Research) that makes the plastic biodegrade.
The plastic has the same strength and durability of other bags, but when disposed of is metabolized into inert biomass by the microorganisms found in landfills. Unlike other plastics that need sunlight to degrade, these plastic bags will degrade in darkness, in both aerobic and anaerobic environments.
In addition, the end products of biodegradation are safe for soil-dwelling organisms (such as earthworms), plants, and the water supply in general. Go to www.ecmbiofilms.com for details, or www.ecmbiofilms.com/report.pdf for the full ecological assessment.