Organ donation: Register today
BC Transplant, an agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority, is appealing to all British Columbians who have not yet become organ donors to learn more and register.
In BC there are currently 333 people waiting for a solid organ transplant, and there is a critical shortage of organs available. One person could save the lives of up to seven people.
BC’s Organ Donor Registry was introduced in 1997 and replaced the system of placing a decal on your Driver’s Licence or CareCard. In 2008, the registry was upgraded, making BC the first province in Canada to introduce an online, legal, and paperless registration process. Registering takes less than 3 minutes.
Almost 752000 British Columbians (17% of the population) have registered their decision on organ donation.
For more information, and to register as an organ donor, visit