Look for FAST signs of a stroke
The Heart and Stroke Foundation has launched a province-wide FAST signs of stroke awareness campaign to ensure Canadians learn the signs of a stroke and implement the FAST approach to improve chances of survival and recovery:
• Face: Is it drooping?
• Arms: Can you raise both?
• Speech: Is it slurred or jumbled?
• Time: Call 9-1-1 right away.
The FAST theme is an easy way to remind people of the major signs of stroke and the urgency of seeking medical attention.
As part of the campaign, BC Emergency Health Services, which operates ambulances and emergency services across the province, will display the FAST message on ambulances in Victoria and the Lower Mainland, the BC Pharmacy Association will distribute FAST-themed magnets to the public through its member pharmacies, and BC libraries will distribute FAST bookmarks province-wide. The Heart and Stroke Foundation is also providing additional resources about the signs of stroke at heartandstroke.ca/FAST.