GPAC guideline: Hypertension—Diagnosis and Management
The Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee’s (GPAC) guideline for Hypertension—Diagnosis and Management provides recommendations on how to diagnose and manage hypertension (HTN) in adults aged ≥ 19 years and is available to physicians across British Columbia via
Key recommendations
• 140/90 or lower is the desirable blood pressure reading for an adult with no comorbid conditions, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or other target organ damage.
• When taking office blood pressure readings, the use of an automated office blood pressure measuring electronic device is recommended.
• Consider 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring or home blood pressure monitoring to confirm a hypertension diagnosis.
• Instigate pharmaceutical management in the context of the patient’s overall cardiovascular risk and not solely on their blood pressure.
• Lifestyle management is recommended for those with mild hypertension (average blood pressure = 140 – 159/90 – 99), low risk for cardiovascular disease, and no comorbidities.