Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health
The School of Population and Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine at UBC will serve as the home of the Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health (CEIH)—a single point of contact within the university for support, training, and resources for indigenous health. It will also be the primary conduit for indigenous communities that want to connect with UBC, its programs, and health researchers. The CEIH’s key goals are to recruit and educate indigenous students in the health professions to address persistent health disparities, promote self-determination by increasing Aboriginal leadership in health and health care, and to provide training necessary for all health professionals to work more effectively with Aboriginal people and organizations.
The centre will aim to boost research projects addressing Aboriginal health at the university, increase collaborative projects with indigenous communities across the province, and develop partnerships with the BC First Nations Health Authority and other indigenous organizations. The UBC Committee of Health Deans and the First Nations Health Authority currently provides funding for centre activities.